
Mark Daniel

President | DIRECTOR

Mark Daniel is a visionary, apostolic leader, author, international speaker, and revival carrier. He has traveled to many nations with a calling to awaken and stir the Church to join God in His work of bringing transforming revival to hearts, homes, congregations, communities, and nations. Mark has served, along with others, as a catalyst to see the reality of a significant move of God happen on a national scale. The countless global testimonies of authentic personal, family, marketplace, and corporate transformation are lasting fruit of the ministry. 

Mark is the Senior Pastor of Focal Point Church in Orlando, FL.


James E. Ward Jr.


James Ward is a pastor, author, and entrepreneur, who speaks nationally and internationally on cultural challenges and the need for spiritual awakening. As a Bible teacher, James emphasizes
Spirit-formed character development, while challenging listeners intellectually from God's Word with prophetic insight and revelation knowledge. 

As a broadcaster, James equips thousands of people with Godly wisdom and Biblical solutions each day.

James is the Senior Pastor of INSIGHT Church in Skokie, IL., and President of James Ward Ministries.


Kelly Sorensen

Director of Global Movement & Prophetic Intercession

Kelly Sorensen is a prophetic intercessor and prayer leader who has been used by God significantly on national and international levels to push back darkness in territories, and establish altars of prayer. She has lived a life of surrender and faith that has inspired many hearts around the world.

Kelly is a revival carrier who loves training and equipping new carriers of revival. She presently serves in her local church as the Director of Prayer and Missions.

Kelly lives in Orlando, FL and has four beautiful daughters, two sons-in-love, and a grandson.