Our aim is to humbly partner with leaders to draw God’s presence into hearts, homes, churches, and marketplace settings, and bring His transforming power into communities and nations.

It all begins with a heart to partner. We all need each other to do the Lord’s work and we want to walk in company with our fellow believers to usher in a move of God. 

Our partners, ranging from local pastors to entire congregations, invite us into their city, often hungry for the Lord. Our hearts are to go in and see people awakened with fresh hope, giving them a place of surrender, where they get to see the God of the Bible and they get to see God do what only He can do. 

In those desperate places, when testimonies rise up, we watch the power of God, His goodness, His love, His healing unfold. The flame of revival has been sparked and then goes out into the communities for true spiritual transformation.



equipping CHRISTIANS

Whether apostles, pastors, marketplace leaders, intercessors, or revival carriers, we believe leaders are essential in God's work. We want to help equip leaders prepare their region for awakening and transformation as forerunners of revival.



God has given us a proven strategy to draw His presence in a tangible way. When revived churches function as salt and light, God's presence increases in our communities, darkness is pushed back, and the Kingdom of God advances.


Awakening NATIONS

We believe the Church needs to awaken into its potential to change the world. A clarion call is going out for Believers to rise up and bring nations into the destiny that God has for them.